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I was into this until the fifth paragraph, where you begin talking about politicians and 'the government' as if it is a legitimate body of government. The USA is ruled by a terrorist occupation force that only presents itself to the world as the nation's government, while the nation gets no participation or representation in it, and no say in its activity or behavior.

To then go on to say "we must not violently retaliate" is as to say the rulership's militia can go on slaughtering us and the parasites can go on enslaving us, but we would be wrong to seek satisfaction of the urge to bring the terrorists to justice and should instead bet our lives on nickle-and-diming our way to progress. I don't feel a vengeful revolution that brings the rulership of the USA to be lined up on their knees in the street while they await their turn to have their skull stomped into the pavement by their own slaves would be inappropriate.

Rulership is a problem that does not solve itself because you ask nicely. The american people have already blared their rejection of the governance through all the cities that have revolutionized, but the rulership, being the terrorists that rulership typically is, throws martial law around like morning-after pills in sunday school with the pontif. And thanks to the censorship infrastructure set up by VICE president Joe Biden, it goes on invisibly to the rest of the nation and the rest of the world.

The american people have been pushed well beyond settling for happy-time kumbayas around the campfire with the rulership. They've had enough chances to step down so the nation can have a at last establish legitimate government of our own, and it's now much too late to abdicate their throne. We are uniting against them, our revolution will be vengeful, and our justice will be swift. All their kind must be made into a proper example that the future of the world will never forget.